The Point-in-Time Count Just Happened, What Now?

The 2020 Point-In-Time Count was Wednesday night! Many folks across the state are busy administering surveys and continuing their outreach efforts to compile the one-day snapshot of homelessness in Minnesota. You may inquire about where someone stayed on PIT night up to 7 days after the PIT.

What Now?

For our HMIS participating Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, and Transitional Housing agencies, enter your data as quickly and completely as possible. You have until February 12th.

For our partners participating in the unsheltered or school-based count, implement and collect your surveys, and be sure to send them to the appropriate contact in your CoC (defer to local instruction). These counts must be entered into our PIT LIVE tool by February 12th.

What Next?

Be proactive and make your RSA proud! After you’ve completed data entry for PIT night, you can run these two HMIS reports to get ahead of any data entry errors:

  • MIN-00-DQR-060 – 0630 Sheltered PIT

  • MIN-00-DQR-077 – Clients Exceeding Max Length of Stay

ICA RSAs will begin running DQ reports and send things your way starting immediately after the February 12th deadline. If you have corrections to make, you have until March 30th to make corrections to meet the deadline.

PIT in the Media

ICA has compiled a media toolkit to help our partners engage the media to bring increased awareness to the 2020 PIT.
If you had local media coverage, send it our way and we’ll showcase it on our website!
See the PIT page for more details.

Questions? Contact our Helpdesk at