HMIS Reporting

Reporting in HMIS

Where can I find data about homelessness and housing instability in Minnesota?
To provide the information that communities need to better understand who is experiencing homelessness and what interventions are most effective at preventing and ending homelessness, ICA maintains a library of reports available in Minnesota’s HMIS called the REPORTcollection. The REPORTcollection is updated regularly so that it provides current report statuses and usage details.

None of the available reports have what you’re looking for? Find a bug in a report?
If you would like to request a new report or an improvement for an existing report, to flag a reporting bug you’ve discovered, or to request a custom data export, please use the form linked below.

Please Note: ICA is still in the process of rebuilding reports following the transition to ClientTrack, and as a result new report builds and improvements for existing reports are on hold. However, submitted requests are logged in our queue and will be followed up on when that work can resume. If you have an immediate need, please reach out to the Helpdesk at

How can the REPORTcollection help me use my HMIS data?

Let's walk through a scenario. Your program is a Minnesota Housing LTH grantee, and you want to see which reports are specific to that funding source: what can you do?
Open the REPORTcollection and use its search feature to look for any reports with “LTH” in their name or description.  

What if searching yields too many report results? You can further narrow down the search results using filters!
Once you’ve isolated the report options you’re most interested in, click on the name of a report to see its full details.