Coordinated Entry Data Standards and Workflow Updates

Our CES Data Standards & Workflow project team has been hard at work over the past month! While much of the work has been internal, we are making strides. What have we been working on?

Note: If you need a refresher on what this is all about, check out our December newsletter update here first.

Finalizing the workflow. While we do already know what an Entry/Exit workflow generally looks like for Coordinated Entry, there are lots of small but important decisions to make, such as: where to put the new data elements, at what frequency must they be completed, do we use existing or new providers, do we use existing or new assessments, etc. We are currently finalizing some of the finer points of the workflow and anticipate sharing this in more detail with local CES leadership over the next couple weeks. Everyone involved with CES will see this as well when we offer training.

Determining structure and timing of training for assessors and housing providers. We are still making some final decisions around how training will be offered, but we do know that it will likely be happening between February 24th and March 20th. More concrete information for each CoC community will be coming out once we have fully coordinated with local CES leadership.

Identifying reporting implications. CES relies heavily on reports both for operational purposes and evaluation/monitoring purposes. These reports are extremely complex. Our Reporting team has been working hard to map out how the CES-related reports will incorporate both the old and the new ways of collecting data, so that communities will still have the full picture of what’s happening within your system. (In other words, you won’t need to run separate reports to show you what is going on for clients assessed before the change vs. after).

This project has so many moving parts AND presents lots of opportunities to streamline the CES process across the state. With each decision we make, we become more confident and excited about what this will all mean for our communities. While any big change comes with some growing pains, we are looking forward to a much more straightforward process overall. More info to come in the coming weeks!!