Submit your QDQ Scores by Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

A friendly reminder, the deadline for submitting your first round of scores into the QDQ Data Portal for “Q4 2019” is end of day Tuesday, February 11. There have been 141 successful submissions since the portal opened!

Thermometer QDQ Progress.png

Invalid portal submission? Read on for some tips and tricks!

Aiming for 100% across the board? The scoring sets high bars in categories, and it is not expected that all or even most programs will get 100% scores in any category, particularly in this first submission.

Tips and Tricks for a Successful QDQ Submission  

We are monitoring submissions into the new QDQ Data Portal and are seeing many successful submissions! We are also, however, observing trends for invalid submission so wanted to provide you with some tips and tricks. Keep up the good work; if you’ve made it this far, you’re soooo close! 

  • Copy and paste information from HMIS into the DQ Portal instead of typing the response for the following fields: Email Address, Name of User Submitting, and Agency Name.

User profile for QDQ tips.png
  • Something as simple as a space following your Agency Name can result in an invalid submission. Do not include a trailing, blank space as the last character. For example, in the image above, a space should not follow the last letter of Emily’s last name.

  • You must be an HMIS user with EDA access to the Provider ID for which you are submitting scores.

  • Active data entry projects only, please! If “ZZ” (closed) or “(no data entry)”is in the provider’s name of the 4-digit Provider ID you submit, the submission will be invalid.

  • When you submit your provider scores to the QDQ Data Portal, there is a validation process in place to ensure only the right people at the right agency can submit scores for a provider. Have our QDQ Portal Instructions and 5-minute video close by to assist you through your first submission!