PIT Count Submission Deadline Approaching!

What Next?

For HMIS agencies:

For our HMIS-participating Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, and Transitional Housing agencies, enter your data as quickly and completely as possible. You have until February 12th.

Be proactive and make your Regional System Administrator (RSA) proud! After you’ve completed data entry for PIT night, you can run these two HMIS reports to get ahead of any data entry errors:

  • MIN-00-DQR-060 – 0630 Sheltered PIT

  • MIN-00-DQR-077 – Clients Exceeding Max Length of Stay

In coming weeks, we’ll be analyzing PIT data and crafting our standard data quality emails to support you in HMIS data corrections.  By March 6th, you’ll receive these HMIS data quality emails.

You’ll have until March 30th to make corrections.

For the unsheltered and non-HMIS count (PIT LIVE):

For our partners participating in the unsheltered or non-HMIS count, implement and collect your surveys, and be sure to send them to the appropriate contact in your CoC (defer to local instruction). These counts must be entered into our PIT LIVE tool by February 12th.

We’ll work with Coordinators and PIT Leads to review survey data entered into PIT LIVE, highlight potential errors and make corrections throughout late February and early March.

This is an iterative process so please watch for clarification requests from your Coordinator or PIT Lead.

Questions? Contact our Helpdesk at