From the Knowledge Base: Updating sub-assessment information


Do you have our Knowledge Base homepage bookmarked yet? To prompt you to take a closer look, we periodically like to spotlight one of the articles that you can find there, to demonstrate just how indispensable of a resource it can be!

Within most assessments you encounter during data entry, there are special sections called “sub-assessments” that look a bit different, and require special care when entering and updating data within them. Examples of sub-assessment sections include: Income, Non-Cash Benefits, Health Insurance, Disability, Housing Cost, CES Housing Summary, CES Assessor Information, etc.

This Knowledge Base article provides guidance on the following questions:

  • What pieces of sub-assessment information can I update?

  • How do I correctly update a line item within a sub-assessment?

  • What pieces of sub-assessment information should I not update?

To ensure that you’re documenting changes within sub-assessments correctly, check out the full Knowledge Base article – HERE