Quarter 1 QDQ is Ramping Up! See What to Do and See What’s New

The Quarterly Data Quality (QDQ) process is starting up again. Please look for communications from your CoC Coordinator. You can also begin to run QDQ reports for your providers and make any needed corrections for submission. The reporting dates for 2021 Q1 Submission are 1/1/2021 to 3/31/2021.

The Quarterly Data Quality submission deadline is Monday, May 11th, 2021. All corrections should be completed, and scores submitted through the Data Quality Portal by May 11th, 2021. The Data Portal is open now. 

We have learned a lot over the past year of QDQ and we hope that continues. Please continue to let us know how QDQ is going for your agency and add narratives to your score submissions to tell a better story about the work your providers do.  

Monitoring Process Continues  

The pilot Monitoring Process that started last quarter continues into this quarter. CoC Coordinators and State Funding Partners will meet to determine a target score category and decide where the high and low thresholds will be placed. The focus last quarter was on Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing. For this quarter it will be Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing project types.

Click here to learn more about the QDQ Monitoring Process. There are some new, QDQ-related supports for monitoring your work to look at as well. You can find those supports by clicking the Monitoring Supports button on the QDQ page. Go to our website under Training & Support > Quarterly Data Quality> Monitoring Supports.  

General training materials, videos, QDQ Instruction Guides, and QDQ Report Guides are available on our website under Training & Support > Quarterly Data Quality.  

Finally, please contact the ICA Helpdesk at with any questions related to QDQ.

Thank you for participating in QDQ, keeping our data in good shape, and helping tell the stories of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.