FY 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards Reminder

As areminder, the FY2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards Changes went into effect on10/1/2019. The Minnesota ServicePoint site has beenupgraded to version 5.13.0 to be in compliance with the FY 2020 HUD HMIS DataStandards. The FY 2020 Data Standards apply to all clients still enrolled in your program(s) as of October 1, 2019 and new clients going forward.

Please review our FY 2020 HMISData Standards Changes webpage for more information about thesechanges.

WellSky, our vendor for ServicePoint, has discovered an error with the new versions of the CoC-APR 2019 and ESG CAPER 2019 that affects clients that are missing answers to both "Approximate Date Homelessness Started" and "Housing Move In Date". This issue will affect submissions by RRH, PH, and PSH projects and you will get an error message in Sage about Question 22e. We will send out another announcement when we have more information about the issue and when it will be fixed.