FY 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards Changes

FY2020 HUD Data Standards Changes

The changes for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards will take effect on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019. To prepare users for these changes, review this page for an overview of the changes and information on training and support.

News Alerts and Articles

ICA will continue sending out newsletter articles and news alerts regarding the FY 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards Changes. Below is a list of the past articles and alerts for you to reference.

What's Changing?

Below is an overview of the changes to HUD Universal and Program Specific Data Elements. For details about the changes, please review the training materials provided.

Universal Data Elements – Summary of Changes

  • Data element 3.917 has been re-named as Prior Living Situation

  • Minor changes to Prior Living Situation and Destination Picklist values so that they align (see Appendix A in the HUD Data Standards Manual for more details)

  • The 3.917 Living Situation 'Interim Housing' response has been retired

Program Specific – Summary of Changes

  • 4.12 Current Living Situation is replacing the Contacts sub-assessment

  • Dependent questions in the Disability sub-assessment for Developmental Disability and HIV/AIDS are no longer required

  • PATH, RHY, SSVF, YHDP programs have some new picklist values to current data elements

  • Addition of Coordinated Entry Elements – please note these are not going into effect until April 2020! More info to come!

Training and Support

Training Materials


For complete details about the FY 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards, please visit the HUD Exchange website.