Beat Your RSA to the Punch

Your Regional System Administrator (RSA) is getting ramped up to review your CoC’s data quality in service of theLongitudinal System Analysis (LSA) and System Performance Measures (SPMs) starting the week of Monday, October 7. Your RSA will be in contact with you if your project or agency has data that requires your attention (ex. incongruent or missing data), clearly laying out data that needs your keen eye and steps to resolve.

If, however, you want to beat them to the punch, consider reviewing your project's data quality ahead of time using the 076 - 0640 – HUD Data Quality Framework.

Report Location:Public Folder >> SSA Report Gallery >> 2. MN Data Quality Tools

Data Focus:

For this targeted data quality review, theseare the elements to focus on ahead of time.

  • Social Security Number (3.02)

  • Date of Birth (3.03)

  • Race (3.04)

  • Ethnicity (3.05)

  • Gender (3.06)

  • Veteran Status (3.07)

  • Disabling Condition (3.08)

  • Destination (3.12)

  • Relationship to Head of Household(3.15)

  • Client Location (3.16)

  • Living Situation (3.917)

  • Domestic Violence (4.11) - Not required for all programs

Prompts to Use:

  • Provider: Choose your provider(s)

  • Reporting Group: (blank)

  • EDA Provider: (blank) Unless instructed by sys admin

  • CoC Code: (blank)

  • Program Type Code: (blank)

  • Effective Date: 10/1/2019 12:00 AM

  • Start Date: 10/1/2018 12:00 AM

  • End Date PLUS 1 Day: 10/1/2019 12:00 AM

A Note Regarding Project Types: While it is always good to review your project’s data quality, your RSA will only be contacting the following project types that have data to resolve:

  • Transitional Housing (TH)

  • Rapid Re-housing (RRH)

  • Emergency Shelter (ES)

  • Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

  • Permanent Housing with Services(PHS)

  • Street Outreach (SO) - for Exit Destination and Living Situation only

  • Safe Haven (SH)

How do I know what the project type is for my HMIS provider? Answer under “Deconstructing a Provider Name”)