PIT Data Corrections: Here's What Agencies Need to Know

The Point-in-Time Count took place on Wednesday, January 22nd. All Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, and Transitional Housing providers are included in this count, regardless of funding source. Now that data entry into HMIS has occurred, the next steps of this process will be around data corrections.


What Can You Expect from Your Regional System Administrator to Guide You?

Targeted Corrections: By March 6th, you will receive an email from your Regional System Administrator (RSA) with a tailored list of needed data corrections from PIT night, including what to prioritize.

Reference Materials: To assist with clean up, you’ll also receive a Data Corrections Guide with step-by-step instructions.

Deadline: You have until Monday, March 30th to make corrections.

Here’s What We Expect from You

Completeness: We expect HMIS data entry for the night of the PIT to be complete to the extent possible. You can proactively check by running the following reports in ART (both recently re-released with improved data quality checks):

MIN-00-DQR-060 – 0630 Sheltered PIT

MIN-00-DQR-059 – MN-Specific Sheltered PIT

Responsiveness: Be sure your contact information with us is up-to-date. Watch for and respond promptly to our communications; we appreciate when you acknowledge receipt (and the hello!).

Prioritization: Devote time in your schedule to this cleanup. If your data looks good, then you’re giving yourself the gift of time!

What about Quarterly Data Quality? Why can’t it wait until the next QDQ review?

The Point-in-Time is the one federal project where the timeline for corrections can’t wait until the end of the quarter. While the same data elements are covered, it’s essential for us to represent the single night accurately before quarter end.

For the Unsheltered and Non-HMIS Count (PIT LIVE):

We will work with Coordinators and PIT Leads to review survey data entered into PIT LIVE, highlight potential errors and make corrections throughout late February and early March.

This is an iterative process so please watch for clarification requests from your Coordinator or PIT Lead.

Questions? Contact our Helpdesk at