Don't forget! Submit your 2022 Q4 Quarterly Data Quality scores before February 14

The Quarterly Data Quality submission deadline is approaching! HMIS users should run the QDQ Monitoring report, which identifies data entry errors and assigns scores to each data entry provider, and make efforts to address those errors. When finished addressing errors, users should re-run the QDQ Monitoring report and submit each provider's score via the QDQ Data Portal.

Key Dates to Remember

  • Deadline for submitting scores into the Portal: February 13 (11:59pm)

Questions or comments about QDQ

  • If you have questions about the general process, data corrections, the report, or the Data Portal, please reach out to the HMIS MN Helpdesk.

  • For more information, please visit - this page of the HMIS MN website is a one-stop hub for QDQ resources, including training videos and written instructions.

  • You can submit feedback on any part of the QDQ process here.