COVID-19 Reports Available!

On March 22nd, we released information about the 257 COVID-19 Vector Client Interactions report. This report is used to trace the movements within the homeless response system of an individual with a known or suspected case of COVID-19. This report requires ICA staff to run it for the highest amount of contact tracing. Information about this report can be found here  and the request form can be found here.  

As many of you know, we also added COVID-19 information by creating a new COVID-19 Survey sub-assessment, which appears at the top of all of our assessments. The information in this optional, but highly encouraged, sub-assessment was vetted by MN Dept. of Health, and many of our stakeholders. We also created an alert within our incident system to allow many of our program types to signal Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 cases internally and to other agencies.   

We are proud to share that the information collected through these alerts and sub-assessments has a brand new corresponding report. The 259 COVID-19 Data Collection report, found in ART, provides summary and detail information on clients' COVID-19 exposure, symptoms, and status with respect to quarantine and isolation. Data in the report is recorded in the COVID-19 Survey sub-assessment and COVID-19 Alert incident. This report can help agencies and planning entities understand and make decisions based on a group of clients' reported COVID-19 status.   

In these uncertain and worrisome times, we want to remind you that we appreciate the work all of you do to help people experiencing homelessness. Thank you! If there are any questions about either of these reports, or the alert and sub-assessments, please reach out to our Helpdesk at