Important News About Coordinated Entry Reports

Minnesota’s HMIS has recently undergone exciting changes in Coordinated Entry workflow, and as a result we’re revising the suite of reports available for Coordinated Entry reporting. Some reports will be updated to work with the recent changes; others will be retired. Read on to learn more about the future of Coordinated Entry Reports.

Priority List report

The 254 Priority List report is the new Priority List report for all CoCs. It’s customized to each CoC’s specifications based on the CoC entered in the report prompts, and it incorporates the new data elements and standardized entry/exit workflow. It replaces each CoC’s unique Priority List report, but we do not plan to retire those until later this spring. Read more about the new report in its Report Guide.

Referrals tracking report for housing providers

We are working to build an ART report just for housing providers to track referrals to their programs. We expect this report to be released by the end of April.

High Priority Homeless Eligibility Confirmation Form

As each CoC in MN is moved to a unified CES workflow and the new data standards are implemented, the HPH receipt report will no longer function as designed. As a quick refresher, the HPH receipt report provided evidence that individual clients were referred from Coordinated Entry, and thus met eligibility for LTH/HPH projects. Until this report is able to be re-designed, LTH/HPH housing providers should print and retain the email sent to them from CES priority list managers. In lieu of the report, this will serve as verification that the referral came from CES and thus meets the HPH criteria.

Other Coordinated Entry reports

There are many reports that use Coordinated Entry logic. Below is ICA MN’s plan for maintaining and retiring reports. If a report is marked “will be retired” and you use that report, please contact the Helpdesk to let us know.

Coordinated Entry report table.png