Coordinated Entry Updates - June 2020

Welcome all to summer 2020! To kick off the season, we've got a few Coordinated Entry updates to share with you:

New Data Point: If Not Housed, Reason
Housing providers have historically been asked to give a reason why a referral was unsuccessful. To better evaluate the effectiveness of Coordinated Entry referrals, a new data point is being introduced: If Not Housed, Reason. This new field should be filled out in situations where a referral was successful - leading to a person's enrollment in a housing program - but did not result in that individual or household moving into housing.

When an individual or household exits a program without moving into housing, it is the provider's responsibility to return them to the Priority List by adding an End Date to their referral. (Note that this is the only time that an End Date should be added to a referral!) At the same time that End Date is added, housing providers should now also select the most accurate reason why the person was not housed.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Three months after the launch of HUD's Coordinated Entry data standards, our team has seen some trends emerge in the data being entered into HMIS. To help clear up the confusion that can lead data entry issues, we have put together a pair of documents that answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Additionally, the workflow instructions for assessors and housing providers have both been updated to include recommendations from users, and directions on capturing the new data point If Not Housed, Reason. Visit the Coordinated Entry page of the MN HMIS website to find the latest resources:

Thank you! 

Across the state, assessors, housing providers, and priority list managers have done incredible work to adopt the new Coordinated Entry workflow. As of mid-June, more than 1,600 clients have entered the Coordinated Entry system statewide on the new workflow, and more than 1,200 have received housing referrals! 

Stay cool and keep up the great work!