Quarterly Data Quality: Rubric Review

The first two quarters of reporting in the Quarterly Data Quality (QDQ) process have passed and we continue to learn what works and what needs more review. To that end, a team of individuals involved with the QDQ process has been assembled to review the scoring rubric.   

We have asked for feedback from all of you using this QDQ feedback form. We will take that information in addition to other data, and take a close look at how the rubric worked. If you have an opinion on QDQ, please use the form to let us know. We will still review your information.  

There is a representative from our state partners, our CoC coordinators, two HMIS users, and two ICA staff. The goal is to make adjustments to the QDQ scoring rubric that will take effect in July and last through the following year.  

Again, thank you for the good work you do, and for providing the quality data that helps tell the story.