Client-Level Enrollment Visibility Controls
Following its release to ClientTrack, an update will shift the management of enrollment visibility from the household level to the client level. With the introduction of this new release, we are excited to announce that it is now possible to easily update an enrollment’s visibility settings when an incorrect value was initially selected.
There were two main factors motivating this system change:
Household members are not always in alignment on whether their information should be shared. This revised approach to managing enrollment visibility ensures that one of the most common types of transactional data can be shared or restricted in accordance with all household members' wishes.
It should be easy for HMIS users to adjust the visibility of an enrollment after it has been created. Prior to today, users have had to entirely recreate enrollments when they have been either incorrectly shared with all organizations or restricted to the creating organization only.
To further support users in sharing or restricting enrollments in accordance with clients’ wishes, ClientTrack will auto-populate the new client-level field on the Program Enrollment form with whatever value has been entered into a client’s Transaction Visibility field. However, users should continue to review every transaction restriction field to ensure that the correct selection has been made.