FHPAP Supplemental (036) Report Released in Beta
The report has some known bugs and is being released in beta prior to the official release. ICA is continuing to test the report and encourages FHPAP-funded projects to run the report and review for accuracy upon its release.
FHPAP-funded projects will soon be able to run the FHPAP Supplemental (036) report! ICA has completed several rounds of testing and has worked with the MN HMIS vendor, Eccovia, to implement the needed fixes. There are still some known bugs Eccovia is currently working to fix, and releasing in beta will allow ICA to continue testing and refining the report while also allowing FHPAP-funded projects to run the report, review their data, and provide feedback.
Directions on how to run the report and a list of all known bugs can be found in the FHPAP Supplemental (036) report user guide. If you have any questions about the data you are seeing, or suspect you have discovered a bug, please reach out to the helpdesk at mnhmis@icalliances.org.