2018 Minnesota Data Standards Changes - New Training Resources


DATA COLLECTION FORMS, USER GUIDES, ETC. Updated Data Collection Forms, User Guides, and other training materials will be available by July 1st, 2018 on our Forms and Instructions page. TRAINING MATERIALS

HYA AND HTHP WORKFLOW UPDATES WEBINARThere were substantial changes to the HYA and HTHP Outcomes Assessments in 2017 and additional changes to the program-specific data elements for both programs in 2018. This webinar will demo the workflow for completing Outcomes assessments and will review the 2018 Program-Specific Data Standards Changes for both programs. Please attend this webinar if you complete HMIS data entry for your agency’s HYA or HTHP funded projects. This webinar will be recorded! Unfortunately, there were major technical difficulties during the HYA & HTHP webinar on 6/29/18 and the recording did not work. If you registered for the webinar, you will receive an email once a video with the webinar content has been recorded. If you did not register for the webinar and would like to be contacted when the video is available, please contact our Helpdesk for more information. Once the video has been recorded, a link will be posted on this page!Past 2018 MN Data Standards Changes WebinarWe hosted a live webinar session going over the 2018 MN Data Standards Changes. View the recording of the webinar here!