Forms and Instructions

Forms and Instructions

General Purpose Resources

Data Entry

πŸ“„ General HMIS Instructions
A guide with information about basic HMIS features and step-by-step instructions for common data entry activities.

πŸ“„ End User Best Practices Cheat Sheet
Tips and reminders for HMIS users.

πŸ“„ Households How-To Guide
This guide explains how to manage households in HMIS.


⏯ Intro to BusinessObjects - HMIS’s Reporting Tool
This video introduces SAP BusinessObjects, a software program used to build and store the reports that help make HMIS data actionable.
- Click HERE to download the video’s PowerPoint slides.

⏯ SAP BusinessObjects User Settings
This video demonstrates how all users should configure their BusinessObjects account settings.

πŸ“„ Schedule a BusinessObjects Report
Instructions for running a BusinessObjects report, in a Knowledge Base article that you can easily bookmark!

πŸ“† Homeless Programs Reporting Schedule
Check out this resource for information on upcoming report deadlines.

Additional Resources

User Guides & Data Collection Forms

Minnesota Core Data Collection Forms

This section contains data collection forms that can be used to gather the universal and common data elements required for the various project types that participate in HMIS. Be sure to review the Funder Specific Resources section for additional documentation relevant to your project’s specific funding sources.

Entry Forms

Household Data Collection Forms
πŸ“‹ Permanent Housing Projects
πŸ“‹ All Other Project Types

Single Individual Data Collection Forms
πŸ“‹ Permanent Housing Projects
πŸ“‹ All Other Project Types

Exit forms

Household Data Collection Forms
πŸ“‹ All Project Types

Single Individual Data Collection Forms
πŸ“‹ All Project Types

Funder-Specific Resources

Minnesota Department of Human Services

ESP | Emergency Services Program

HS | Housing Support

HYA | Homeless Youth Act

Forms & Instructions
πŸ“‹ Program-Specific Data Collection Form
πŸ“‹ OEO HYA Baseline Outcomes Data Collection Form
πŸ“‹ OEO HYA Outcomes Data Collection Form
πŸ“„ HMIS User Guide for All Project Types

Main Contacts
πŸ“§ Anthony Coleman, Program Grant Manager
πŸ“§ Vincent Henry, Program Grant Manager

LTHSSF | Long Term Homeless Supportive Services Fund

Forms & Instructions
πŸ“‹ Program-Specific Data Collection Form
πŸ“„ HMIS User Guide for Supportive Services Only Projects

Main Contact
πŸ“§ Pat Leary, Program Grant Manager

SOR | State Opioid Response

Forms & Instructions
πŸ“‹ Program-Specific Data Collection Form
πŸ“„ HMIS User Guide for Supportive Services Only and Street Outreach Projects

Main Contact
πŸ“§ Pat Leary, Program Grant Manager

THP | Transitional Housing Program

Forms & Instructions
πŸ“‹ Program-Specific Data Collection Form
πŸ“„ HMIS User Guide for Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing Projects

Main Contact
πŸ“§ Annie McCabe, Homeless Grant Program Manager

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

PATH | Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness

Forms & Instructions
πŸ“‹ Program-Specific Data Collection Form
πŸ“„ HMIS User Guide for Street Outreach and Supportive Services Only Projects
πŸ“„ Frequently Asked PATH Questions

Main Contact
Gary Travis, Minnesota Department of Human Services

RHY | Runaway and Homeless Youth

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

CoC | Continuum of Care

ESG | Emergency Solutions Grant

HOPWA | Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS

VASH | Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing

YHDP | Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program

Minnesota Housing

FHPAP | Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program

HSWH | Homework Starts with Home

LTH | Ending Long Term Homelessness
HTF | Housing Trust Fund

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

SSVF | Supportive Services for Veteran Families

Community-Specific Resources

Ramsey County Single Point of Entry


Hennepin County

Visit the Hennepin Workflows page for instructions specific to projects operating in Hennepin County.