FY2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards Changes

OnOctober 1, 2019, HUD is rolling out changes to the data elements they requireall projects participating in HMIS to collect. This provides standardizationfor data collection around the country, allowing for a better understanding of homelessness around our country. Homelessness can then be analyzed at anational level, and compared to homelessness at a regional or local level. Assystem administrators, it is our responsibility to make sure you understand the changes.

Youwill be able to learn about these changes in an upcoming “FY 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards Changes” webinar training at 1 PM on September 25 (register here), which will be recorded and available on our website. ICA MN will begin populating the FY 2020 HUD HMIS Data StandardsChanges website as we release more materials, soplease bookmark the page now! Below is an overview of some of the changes that will impact the data you collect and enter into HMIS.

UniversalData Elements - Summary of Changes

  • Data element 3.917 has been re-named as Prior Living Situation

  • Minor changes to Prior Living Situation and Destination Picklist values so that they align (Interim Housing response has been retired)

ProgramSpecific - Summary of Changes

  • 4.12 Contacts sub-assessment is being replaced by Current LivingSituation

  • Dependent questions in the Disability sub-assessment for Developmental Disability and HIV/AIDS are no longer required

  • Addition of Coordinated EntryElements – please note these are not going into effect until April 2020!More info to come!

Forcomplete details about the FY 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards, please visit the HUD Exchange website.

Please note that there will be downtime in HMIS to upgrade the software with the data standards changes on October 1st. We will send out another alert about the timing of this downtime and please know that we will do everything in our power to avoid disrupting shelter reservations and check-ins!

*HUD did not release any updates to the HMIS Data Standards in 2018, but that rarely happens.