We’ve Made Some Improvements to the MN HMIS Website

We've improved several sections of our website, our custom data request form, and the REPORTcollection. Here's a recap of the changes:

Updated website navigation

  • Across the top of our home page, two of our main section headings have changes. “Training & Support” now simply says “Training”; and you'll now see "Data" instead of "Reports".

  • The new pages Minnesota Dashboards and Using the Data replace the Minnesota Data Portal. Each of these pages has reorganized content.


Custom data request

If you would like to request custom data or to share a suggestion to improve an existing report or dashboard, we have an improved custom data request form - click here to access the form. This page also now better describes our data request process.

Centralized report manuals

All the ART report manuals we've produced are now centralized in a single place. Gone are the days of poking around in odd corners of our website. This gallery of report manuals displays the latest version of the manuals that accompany our reports. Click here to access the manual gallery.

Increased transparency and legibility in REPORTcollection

Our REPORTcollection has new features and a redesigned web page. Now you can track the status of bugs reported and features suggested using new views in the REPORTcollection.

When a user alerts us to a potential bug in an ART report, we document this, along with the next steps we take. We also document all suggestions users make to improve reports.

If you're using an ART report and suspect it's not working as intended, or if you simply have a good idea to share, send those ideas, as always, to the Helpdesk. Then, follow along in REPORTcollection as we research and make updates.

Click this link  to view all open (in other words, not yet resolved) bugs and feature enhancements.

Click this link  to view all bugs and feature enhancements, including those that have been resolved.