Sign Up for a One-on-One Session with an ICA MN Data Analyst

In the Annual Meeting, we heard from our users a strong interest in more resources to help make sense of their data. We have lots of ideas about ways we can support users in turning their data into insight, and we’re excited to share them in the next few months.

We’re calling our first initiative “Data Therapy”, where users can sign up for a one-on-one session with a member of the Reporting and Evaluation team. In these sessions, we can cover any data-related topic (whether it makes you excited or makes you cry).

 Questions we might answer together can include:

"What is this dashboard telling me?”

"How do I make something useful out of this table in Excel?”

"Where can I find the data I need for this grant application?”

“How can I learn more about how my program is doing?”

“What do my QDQ scores mean?”

Click this link to sign up for a session!