Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Training Video is Live
The RHY Training video has been updated to contain the data standards as of 10/1/2019. There have been some significant changes to RHY since the previous video had been recorded, so we recommend reviewing these topics and watching any sections you feel you might need a refresher on. You can find this video on the Videos page of our website, in the Program-Specific section.
If you just want a specific section, the time stamps are below:
RHY and Head of Households: 2:40
Statewide Data Sharing and RHY: 4:29
Project Entry: 6:27
Entering RHY Services: 10:16
Updating a client record: 12:46
Date of Engagement and Current Living Situation: 14:35
Aftercare: 17:38
RHY Reporting: 21:56