Quarterly Data Quality: Updates and Reminders

It’s almost Quarterly Data Quality reporting time again! Data cleanup and score submission for 2020 Q2 (April 1 – June 30) will begin when the Data Quality Portal opens on July 15. Please keep an eye out for communications from your CoC Coordinator next week.    

Got any QDQ tips and tricks to share? We’re looking for agencies to share any strategies they’ve developed for the QDQ process. Our friends at Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis developed some code to automatically fill in the Data Portal form with information from a spreadsheet. They’re willing to share the code: please contact the Helpdesk at if you are interested in that code, or if you have a trick of your own to share!  

Updates to QDQ scoring: This quarter, a group of funders, CoC Coordinators, HMIS users, and ICA staff got together to update the QDQ Scoring Rubric based on previous scores and users’ feedback.  

Two major changes came out of this work.  

1) The Total score will be a combination of Completeness and Consistency and Accuracy. The Timeliness score will be excluded from the Total.  

2) The Timeliness score calculation will be changing based on feedback we heard from users. The goal of the change is for users to be able to see more incremental progress and reduce the possibility of receiving 0 points. 

 You’ll see these changes in the QDQ report when a new version is released by July 15.  

Don’t forget: Training materials, videos, QDQ Instruction Guides and Report Guides are available on our website under Training & Support > Quarterly Data Quality. You’ll find all updated materials on this page by July 15.  

Please contact the ICA Helpdesk at with any questions related to QDQ. 

If you have feedback about QDQ, please let us know by filling out this form. Please direct comments related to the monitoring component of the Quarterly Data Quality process to your State program or CoC Coordinator.