Reports Change for OEO HYA and THP Grantees

We are pleased to share with DHS OEO HYA and THP projects that you will have fewer reports to run and submit to OEO this August! In consultation with DHS OEO program managers, ICA removed 14 HYA and THP ART reports from production in late May.  

By participating in the Quarterly Data Quality process and utilizing the 030-MN Core Homeless Programs report, with just a few program-specific reports, you will able to participate in routine data quality review to ensure your program’s health 

OEO will now be utilizing the 030-MN Core Homeless Programs report in lieu of the numerous HYA and THP reports that have historically been required for grantees. For THP grantees, the Goals Follow-Up report, and for HYA grantees both the Outcomes and Follow-Up Summary reports, will still be required to be submitted along with the 030-MN Core report. Below is a list of the total HMIS reports that will be due going forward for HYA and THP.  

  Homeless Youth Act (HYA) HMIS reports: 

  1. MIN-01-SAG-030 - MN Core Homeless programs 

  2. SHP-32-SAG-046 - HYA Outcomes 

  3. SHP-32-SAG-025 - HYA YSH Follow-Up Summary Detail 

  Transitional Housing Program (THP) HMIS reports: 

  1. MIN-01-SAG-030 - MN Core Homeless programs 

  2. SHP-34-SAG-163 – THP Goals Follow-Up Counting and Detail 

In addition, with the new Quarterly Data Quality process, you will no longer need to run any data check reports. With the exception of Follow- ups and Outcomes (program-specific components), QDQ participation will ensure that your data quality is solid as you head into OEO reporting deadlines. 

The HYA and THP user guides have been updated with this new information and are available on our website on the Forms & Instructions page. Please reach out with any questions to the Helpdesk at