Quarterly Data Quality Scoring Rubric Review – Last Call!

The Quarterly Data Quality (QDQ) process is an evolving process. It depends on feedback from multiple sources to fix bugs, improve accessibility, and develop new ideas. This is the last call for changes to the scoring rubric that is used for QDQ.  

Your review of the rubric helps make QDQ a better process. The individual data elements are not all evaluated the same way, and it is important to hear from everyone involved in QDQ how the process is understood and used agency-by-agency.  

If you feel the way a particular data element is scored needs more scrutiny, or you think there is a score category in general that could use a change, please let us know. We cannot guarantee that every request will become a change to the rubric, but we want to make sure the rubric is reflecting a measurement of quality data. ICA’s QDQ team and the QDQ monitoring partners will review the suggestions and update the scoring by October 2021. So, your input is needed now.  

The QDQ Scoring Rubric can be found on the QDQ page of the Minnesota ICA website.  >  Training  >  Quarterly Data Quality  >  QDQ Scoring Rubric button 

Click here for immediate access.  

To supply your ideas about the rubric you can use the link below for the feedback form. Please do this by September 9th.


You can use this form to submit any kind of feedback about QDQ. To submit ideas for updates to the Scoring Rubric, please respond to the first prompt with “Rubric Review”.  


What would you like us to know about your experience? 

Rubric Review 

Of course, if you want to supply more feedback on QDQ, please do so by filling out the form again and responding to the prompts. 

If you have ideas for other feature enhancements to the QDQ report, you can submit them by filling out the Minnesota HMIS Data Request form. Click here for the form. To view all updates and requests for the QDQ report, including rubric update requests, click here.

To learn more about the QDQ Monitoring Plan, click here. To learn more about QDQ requirements, visit