QDQ Tips and Tricks: Was your Data Portal submission successful?

The QDQ submission period is open! As you prepare to submit providers’ scores for 2020 Q2, keep this article handy, as it should answer many questions about Data Portal submission.   

How does Data Portal submission validation work? The Portal compares the user, agency, and provider information submitted in the form to the information for that user in ServicePoint. This happens for every submission.  

Why does the Data Portal validate submissions? We validate submissions to make sure that every provider submission is attributed to the correct agency, and that the user submitting for a provider is a staff person responsible for that provider.  

How can I know whether my submission was valid? An email is automatically generated for every submission, and sent to the email address submitted in the form. The code to send the email runs every five minutes, so it may take a few minutes. The code runs only between the hours of 8am and 5pm. If you submit after 5pm or before 8am, an email will be sent at 8am.  

The email will indicate whether the submission was valid, and you can check the body of the email for the provider number corresponding to that submission. Please note that if the email address on the form does not match a user’s email address in ServicePoint, an invalid submission email will not be sent.  

What do valid submission emails look like? If the email’s subject line says “Quarterly Data Quality Submission Accepted!” then the submission that email corresponds to was valid.  

What do invalid submission emails look like? If the email’s subject line says “Invalid Information” then the submission was invalid.  

How do I know what made my submission invalid? Check the body of the email for the exact values submitted, and compare them to the instructions in the Data Portal guide.  


 The most common errors are in Agency Name: the name should match how it appears in the top left corner of your Home Screen in Service Point (see below). Our best advice is to copy and paste directly from there.  


 Other common errors are in the Provider field. That field should contain only the numerical ID for the provider, and it can't be the number of the home provider, or a closed provider, or a provider not in your EDA list. 

What if I can’t figure out the error? We know this part of the process can sometimes be frustrating, and we thank you for your patience! If your submissions continue to be marked invalid, please contact the Helpdesk.