QDQ Dates Change for Quarter 3

The Submission Portal for the Quarterly Data Quality (QDQ) process usually opens on the 15th of October and closes on the 12th of November. For the 2022 QDQ submissions those dates will change slightly since they fall on weekends. The portal will open on 17 October 2022 and close on 14 November 2022.

These new dates do not alter any of the other tasks that occur during the QDQ process. Agencies should have their data entered from 1 July 2022 to 30 September 2022 before the portal opens on Monday, 17 October.

Here are a few helpful reminders for QDQ:

  1. The QDQ report can be run for multiple providers at once. There is no need to run one report for each provider.

  2. The last submission is always considered the final submission. For example, if an agency submits scores on 2 November and then again on 4 November, the scores on 4 November will count as the final scores.

  3. Each provider does need its own submission form. Fill out one form per provider.

  4. Adding more information in the Narrative section of the Submission Form is highly encouraged. Narratives help tell more about what is happening with projects.

  5. Try to have your final submission before the closing of the portal on 14 November. A report run on the last day does not provide any opportunity for corrections to be made.

Of course, if there are more QDQ questions, contact the Helpdesk via email at and ask there.

As always, thank you for participating in the QDQ Process.

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