Public Comment Period for RFP Draft

On March 13, 2023, the Minnesota HMIS Governing Board voted to send a Request for Proposal (RFP) to vendors for a possible software switch. Since then, the Governing Board, committee members, CoC coordinators, and ICA have been drafting the RFP. Soon, we will be opening the draft for public comment to anyone. As part of the feedback, we have been incorporating suggestions that users have given to us over the years in meetings, helpdesk queries, feedback surveys, and other avenues.

Instructions and details on how to do so will be coming soon. We would like to hear your feedback regarding what you would like to see from HMIS. Our plan is to have the public comment period open from June 7-June 30. After that, we will take the feedback received and update our draft proposal to be voted on by our Governing Board in mid-July. If you have any questions about the public comment period, please contact John Ward ( Thank you in advance for your feedback!