MN HMIS Governing Board Vision and Mission Statements

Over the course of six months HMIS Governing Board members, committee chairs, ICA staff, community partners and end users came together to create a shared vision for Minnesota HMIS. The work they set out to do was to brainstorm, refine, and come to a consensus on both vision and mission statements that would guide Minnesota HMIS going forward. Over 30 partners came together virtually in a series of four workshops led by HUD Technical Assistance consultants, Melissa Mikel and Michael Thomas. During those workshops, folx worked to define what Minnesota HMIS should do for clients and users. Then, our HMIS Governing Board members, committee chairs, and ICA staff came together for an in-person session in April to further refine these vision and mission statements.

After a lot of hard work, there was consensus around the following statements:

Vision Statement

By centering the client and user experience, we use HMIS to connect people to resources and to drive decisions so that we equitably prevent and end homelessness in Minnesota. We do this in pursuit of housing, racial and health justice for people experiencing homelessness and housing instability.

Mission Statement

To carry out our Minnesota’s HMIS vision by ensuring the statewide implementation is equitable, effective, efficient, compliant, and adaptable to community needs.

Our HMIS Governing Board members voted to ratify these statements at the May 8, 2023, meeting. Going forward, these statements will be the guiding principles by which all the work done regarding Minnesota HMIS will be done. We want to thank all the participants who helped develop these statements. This type of work is difficult but crucial in continuing the mission of ending homelessness in Minnesota.