November Reporting Updates: Pardon our dust AND note our ART report updates

We updated over 25 of our most highly-used ART reports with FY22 Data Standards Changes, including most Coordinated Entry reports.  We have 92 to go! To stay current on which reports are updated when, read our October post or look directly at the REPORTcollection webpage.

Minnesota Dashboards will not be updated this month. We typically update our dashboards the first week of each month. Our first priority is to ensure users have accurate ART reports, and so we are foregoing updates this month to focus on updating the REPORTcollection. Later, we will update the MN Dash to End Homelessness and Coordinated Entry dashboards to reflect changes to race, ethnicity, and gender.

When referencing our dashboards, check the Updated field in the bottom left corner to see when the dataset was run.