News from the HUD Exchange: HUD Conducting Survey of All RRH Programs

From the HUD Exchange: “In April and May, HUD will be conducting a web-based survey of all rapid re-housing (RRH) programs as part of a national study to explore and document how RRH programs currently serve and interact with homeless households. RRH programs across the country, including Continuum of Care (CoC) program- and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program-funded projects, will receive an email from HUD with a link to the web-based survey. The purpose of the study is to allow HUD, as well as researchers and practitioners around the country, to better understand how RRH programs are being implemented nationwide.”If you would like to participate in the survey but your RRH project’s program director did not receive a link to the survey, contact the study team at Abt Associates by emailing  Include your program’s name, address, and the name and contact information of the person at your project who should complete the survey.  Contact Abt Associates for further information or with any questions (

HUDKinnic EaganHUD, RRH