New Instructions for Housing Providers on CES Referrals Workflow

ICA has received a number of requests for CES referrals workflow instructions that are customized specifically for housing providers receiving referrals and returning households to priority lists. The value of this is that those housing providers would not have to skip around the full instructions document to complete all the steps.Newly updated housing provider-specific instruction packets are now available on the Coordinated Entry page of our website! Please note that these instructions ONLY apply to CoCs utilizing the Referrals Workflow:Those on the Entry/Exit workflow should continue utilizing the existing instructions packets.The original instruction packets are still available on the website for each CoC. Those should continue to be utilized by assessors.We hope that users find these instructions to be more user-friendly, as we have added many more points of clarification and visual triggers to help everyone fully understand the process. If you have questions about these new instructions, please contact Helpdesk!