Minnesota Housing LTH/HPH Reports Due August 1, 2019

MN Housing has revised the required reports that grantees need to submit by August 1, 2019. 

The following four reports ONLY are due August 1st, 2019 

  • MIN-01-SAG-030: MN Core Homeless Programs

  • SHP-51-SAG-134: LTH Housing Cost and Subsidy Counting*

  • SHP-51-SAG-011: LTH Program Summary Dashboard*

  • New Report - FED-01-DQR-076-0640: HUD Data Quality Framework

The following reports are NO LONGER required for fiscal year 2019: 

  • SHP-51-SAG-055: LTH Demographics and Entry Data Counting

  • SHP-51-SAG-133: LTH Exits

  • SHP-51-SAG-098: LTH Household Residence

  • SHP-51-SAG-135: LTH Income

  • SHP-51-DQR-012: LTH Data Quality: Residence, Housing Cost and Subsidy, and Income

*The Helpdesk has a current list of bugs, or known issues, active in these reports and their companion data check reports. These bugs are listed in the data quality guidance. If, when reviewing and correcting your data, you suspect an error beyond this list, reach out and they can coach you toward a solution / help you identify the limitation. 

Data Quality Guidance 

Please see this detailed guide to which data quality reports to use as you review and correct your data: 2019 LTH Annual Report Data Quality Guidance 

For complete information and submission instructions, please see Minnesota Housing’s Housing Stability eNews from July 8th.