2019 Annual LTH Reports Submission Guidance

Because ICA MN and MN Housing are working in partnership to overhaul the LTH report suite, but that work is not yet complete, this year's annual reports include some of the old, and some of the new.

Here's the list of reports for submission for the FY2019:

  • MIN-01-SAG-030: MN CoreHomeless Programs

  • SHP-51-SAG-134 - LTH HousingCost and Subsidy Counting*

  • SHP-51-SAG-011 - LTH ProgramSummary Dashboard*

  • New: FED-01-DQR-076 - 0640 - HUDData Quality Framework

Data Quality Guidance

Because several reports (the 012, 135, 055, 133, and 098) are not due this cycle, some of the companion data check reports referenced in ICA's LTH HMIS User Guide also are not necessary to complete prior to submission (that's some, not all). Of course, conducting a thorough review and correcting your data entry is essential.

ICA MN put together a chart to guide you. Pay careful attention to each report's tab instructions (for example, the 076 has a few tabs not relevant to the LTH/HPH program and should be ignored).


Companion Data Quality Report

MIN-01-SAG-030: MNCore Homeless Programs 

All Universal Data Elements (UDEs)

FED-01-DQR-076 - 0640 – HUD Data Quality Framework

MIN-01-SAG-030: MN Core Homeless Programs  

(Both reports have built-in data quality checks)

134 LTH HousingCost and Subsidy Counting*

Program-Specific Data Elements (PSDEs)

SHP-51-DQR-138 - LTH Housing Cost and Subsidy Data Check*

SHP-51-DQR-137 - LTH Household Residence Data Check*

011 LTH ProgramSummary Dashboard*

All the above

*Known report bugs.

Should I approach this data review in a particular order?

Yes! Here's the order we recommend you run data quality reports:

  1. FED-01-DQR-076 - 0640 – HUD Data Quality Framework

  2. SHP-51-DQR-137 - LTH Household Residence Data Check

  3. SHP-51-DQR-138 - LTH Housing Cost and Subsidy Data Check

  4. SHP-51-DQR-139 - LTH Income Data Check (for 6-month review updates only)

After addressing what you can in these reports, you should be able to re-run the 076 and run the remaining reports for submission to MN Housing.

There's a lot of tabs in these reports. Where do I start?

Here's a breakdown of which report and tab addresses each error.

Error Type

Report and Tab

Date of Birth (DOB)Demographics

FED-01-DQR-076 - 0640 – HUD Data Quality Framework

Tab C – Detail Q2 Q6

Income Sources Sub-assessment

FED-01-DQR-076 - 0640 – HUD Data Quality Framework

Tab F - Detail Q4 Entry

Tab H - Detail Q4 Exit

Universal Data Elements:

Relationship to Head of Household

Client Location

Veteran Status

Disability Status

Exit Destination

FED-01-DQR-076 - 0640 – HUD Data Quality Framework

Tab D – Detail Q3

3.917 Living Situation

FED-01-DQR-076 - 0640 – HUD Data Quality Framework

Tab I - Detail Q5

Program-Specific Data Elements:

Current Residence sub-assessment data: residence start date and status



Zip code

Residence changes Address (for Highly Mobile Students only)

SHP-51-DQR-137 - LTH Household Residence Data Check

Amount client pays for rent

Percentage of income spent on rent

Subsidy sources

SHP-51-DQR-138 - LTH Housing Cost and Subsidy Data Check

Note: for the 076 640, do NOT reference Tab G – Detail Q4 Annual, as this interim review type is not used for LTH/HPH programs. You may also disregard Tab K and the overlap flags in Tab C Detail Q2.

Because these reports are used across many programs, a few data checks do not apply to LTH/HPH.

Data corrections were tough with these buggy reports last year, what gives? How do I know if it's a bug or a data entry correction I need to make?

Here's a synopsis of known bugs:

SHP-51-SAG-134 -LTH Housing Cost and Subsidy Counting

The Missing Subsidy Records tab indicates that only clients who are in permanent supportive housing will show up. However, many of these clients are not insupportive housing (in the Client Residence tab their Current Residence isEmergency Shelter or Friends house, etc), yet the report is flagging the missing data in Housing Subsidy Information even though that should not berequired. 

SHP-51-SAG-011 -LTH Program Summary Dashboard

Type of Housing Subsidy table: Clients who are missing current subsidies are pulled as missing. I noticed that if a client has one closed subsidy and an open one, the table is still pulling the closed subsidy as missing...Tab 2: Housing Subsidy Table: The total count in this table is of subsidies, not HoHs. Some HoHs may have multiple subsides being counted in this table. Subsidies are only counted if they are within the report period.  

Tab 2: Housing Subsidy Table: The total count in this table is of subsidies, not HoHs. Some HoHs may have multiple subsides being counted in this table. Subsidies are only counted if they are within the report period.  

SHP-51-DQR-139- LTH Income Data Check

Income is bloated from some clients

SHP-51-DQR-138- LTH Housing Cost and Subsidy Data Check

The MissingSubsidy Records tab indicates that only clients who are in permanent supportive housing will show up. However, many of these clients are not insupportive housing (in the Client Residence tab their Current Residence is Emergency Shelter or Friends house, etc), yet the report is flagging themissing data in Housing Subsidy Information even though that should not be required.

SHP-51-DQR-137- LTH Household Residence Data Check

Income is bloated from some clients

If you navigate data corrections in the order suggested here, you should be well on your way to a smoother submission. The omitted reports were the worst offenders last year. If you suspect an issue you are encountering is an error beyond what you see above, contact the ICA Helpdesk right away.

Where can I find these reports?

Quick Tip: Visit the REPORTcollection for a searchable database of ART reports!  Here are helpful screen shots, too.


Begin your data quality journey here.


Then run this one next!


Then run these, afterward, run your counting reports.