Join the Policy & Prioritization Committee of the HMIS Governing Board on July 14 to Discuss Data Element Changes

In May and June, HMIS users and partners were asked to propose changes to Minnesota’s universal and program-specific data elements. The HMIS data element feedback survey is now closed and we're pleased to share we received over 60 responses, the highest response rate to date! Thank you for your input. Your responses have been compiled and shared with the Policy & Prioritization (P&P) Committee, which determines changes to Minnesota’s universal data elements, and State Homeless Program Staff, who determine changes to program-specific data elements.  
The Policy & Prioritization Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM on a Zoom meeting to deliberate and vote on the proposed changes to the MN universal data elements. While Committee members will ultimately vote on proposed changes, P&P encourages all stakeholders to attend and share your perspective during the deliberation. Please RSVP now if you plan to join, so we can share the Zoom meeting information! (Note that P&P Committee members do not need to RSVP.) 

Feedback Results 

Proposed changes to MN Universal Data Elements (UDEs): 

New question proposals: 

All proposed edits to or removal of existing questions (including state program-specific data elements): 

Please note: State partners will be discussing feedback received about their specific programs’ data elements and will make decisions about changes they would like to make by July 28, 2021. All changes will take effect in HMIS on October 1, 2021.