FHPAP Provider Split Is Back On

FHPAP grantees and service providers (sub-grantees) please read this important update.The FHPAP provider split (see previous news alerts) has resumed. Before week’s end, FHPAP grantees will receive an email from ICA with new HMIS FHPAP provider IDs. There is one additional change in workflow to note: doubled up households will be entered into a separate provider at project entry.Depending on your FHPAP grant award, agencies will now utilize up to three provider types (Street Outreach programs will be contacted separately): Doubled Up Homeless Assistance, RRH Homeless Assistance, and Prevention (If you are unsure which kinds of projects your grant funds, please contact MN Housing: Doubled Up Homeless Assistance: Doubled Up or “couch hopping”, by MN’s definition, is considered an episode of homelessness. As such, for all FHPAP clients or households who are doubled up (temporarily staying with family or friends less than 12 months the night before project entry) MUST be entered into a separate provider specifically for Doubled Up. Note: At present, this only affects FHPAP programs, no other state funding sources are changing at this time. RRH Homeless Assistance: If a client or household is literally homeless (Housing Status Category 1, 3, or 4) the night before project entry, use this provider.Prevention: Use this provider when a client or household was not literally homeless the night before, but “At Risk of Homelessness” or “Category 2 – Imminent Risk”.This change will begin July 24, 2017, and is effective for the beginning of the biennium, July 1, 2017 – forward. Determining which provider to use is based on where the client stayed the night before project entry. For clients currently in program, ICA has created a report, FHPAP Housing Status Data Check, for you to easily determine to which new provider they should be moved. This is available for use in ART now, and is located in the following folder: Public > SSA > FHPAP > FHPAP Data Checking.ICA will issue detailed, updated training materials with examples on ICA’s website by the end of the week (7/21/2017). Be sure to watch for updates!  ***UPDATE: THE VIDEO IS HERE!