FHPAP: Breaking Down the Twins on July 1

While the FHPAP program is designed for the flexible use of funds, there are two distinct types of activities that need to be measured. The current provider set up for FHPAP funding conflates prevention and homeless assistance dollars. Not only does this make it difficult to track outcomes, this is also a compliance concern: HUD mandates that each project type be separated out and be able to be reported on individually.  Other projects in HMIS are already split out in this way; FHPAP is up to bat on July 1.Starting July 1, 2017, each existing FHPAP provider will have two providers in Service Point HMIS- one for Homelessness Prevention, and one for Homeless Assistance, which is a Rapid Rehousing project type.  Ultimately, there is no new training needed for existing users.  Before entering a client into one of the two new providers, users will simply need to choose which one by asking what the client's living situation was prior to entry. As for reporting, the revised reports will split out project entries by project type based on either the client or household's living situation at entry OR based on length of stay.  You will run the FHPAP reports as usual; but revisions may occur prior to the first quarter's end.  This will ultimately simplify the entire reporting process.We will provide more details in the coming weeks regarding the transitioning of current clients in Service Point, and we will also be providing detailed instructions and a general training video for users, to be posted by Monday June 19.