DHS OEO Programs (HYA, THP, and ESP) Counting Report Changes

The DHS OEO counting reports used to report to OEO for HYA, THP and ESP have been simplified to only pull data used by OEO for program evaluation and reporting purposes. Note that data collection requirements have not changed.Here is an overview of the changes that took place.

  • You may notice several data elements and tables were removed from the updated counting reports that remain on the data check reports. If your agency used any of these tables in previous OEO counting reports, the archived report can still be found within the same folder in ART (folder Archive).
  • OEO HYA Trans Perm is now called HYA Youth Supportive Housing to better align the title of these reports with the program and to eliminate confusion between OEO THP and OEO HYA Trans Perm. The program has not changed and continues to use both Transitional Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing project types.
  • Retitled all HYA Trans Perm reports to HYA Youth Supportive Housing.
  • Removed all instances of tables broken out by "Completed" and "Did not complete program."
  • Reorganized several demographic tables by head of household, and removed tables specific to children.
  • Added median length of stay to all exit counting reports.
  • Removed several MN Program Specific Data Elements that are not specific to OEO, namely "state of prior residence", "county of prior residence", "health insurance type", "referral source.”
  • Recategorized youth age group from 2 (18-21, 22-24) to 1 (18-24).
  • Altered tables in Exit reports from exit destination by age to exit destination by family type.
  • ESP report changes are minimal.
  • For HYA programs, veteran and foster care questions were removed from counting reports.