Coordinated Entry Reports Update 

ICA is committed to keeping our users informed about the current status of Coordinated Entry reporting tools, following the March data standards update and workflow transition.   

 Lots of change has happened and is still to come. In the past few weeks the 254 Priority List report, the single report all CoCs use to prioritize clients, received important updates and is now officially live.   

We released the 258 Housing Referrals report, designed for housing providers to track the status of referrals made to their projects through Coordinated Entry. This important report is a replacement for the Counts reports you may have used previously.

We released another brand-new report, the 248 Client Coordinated Entry Status report. It’s designed for case managers or assessors to check whether clients are active in Coordinated Entry and if they have a pending housing referral.  

This week we also released updates to the following reports: the 222 Assessor Agency Check report (a CE data check report for assessors) and the 217 High Priority Homeless Eligibility Confirmation Form.   

 Finally, we updated the Coordinated Entry dashboard with data through the end of the old workflow (3/22/2020).   

 All the above resources support Coordinated Entry in HMIS; click the links to learn more about them!  

 There’s still more to come in Coordinated Entry reporting, including:   

  • Updating the 211 Coordinated Entry Monitoring report and the 241 Housing Provider Audit report, as well as making further updates to the CE Dashboard. This will happen by July.   

  • Officially retiring reports that were built for the old workflow. You may notice some folders and reports are now marked with “Retire July 1”. These folders and reports will officially be retired in July.  

Stay tuned to the newsletter for ongoing updates about Coordinated Entry reports. Please contact the Helpdesk if you have questions.