August User Group 2022

HMIS User Groups are monthly meetings held by ICA to support and inform HMIS users. New this year: Each month’s user group will have ICA subject-matter experts presenting information and taking questions on the topics! 

August Topic: PIT Data and Dashboards

August's user group will include a demo of the new PIT Dashboard, and improvements to the MN Dash to End Homelessness, as well as open question time for Business Objects

August 25th, 2022: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM 

To register, please click here.

Can’t attend the User Group this month? We’ll miss you, but don’t worry! Every month, ICA staff will record the User Group session, which will be made available on our website by the 3rd week of the following month. 

Check out the User Group webpage for previous User Group sessions. 

Questions? Contact the HMIS Helpdesk at