The HMIS Governing Board and its committees provide strategic direction and decision-making in support of Minnesota’s HMIS.
Join us!
Please consider getting involved in HMIS planning by either attending meetings, being added to email distribution lists, or joining one of the workgroups! All meetings are open to the public—please contact the chair to get involved.
CoMMiTTEE ContactS
Loni Aadalen |
Demetri Vincze |
Policy & Prioritization (P&P) Committee membership is open to all interested parties.
Meeting information
The P&P Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1-3pm via Microsoft Teams. If you’re interested in attending, please contact John Ward (
To provide a strategic-level review, guidance and oversight of Minnesota’s HMIS.
Seek and review stakeholder feedback on HMIS operations.
Help establish annual system performance targets.
Work with SA/Lead Agency to assure and support application of the HMIS work plan, policies and priorities through:
High level guidance and oversight of HMIS prioritization.
System performance quarterly reviews and feedback.
Assisting SA/LA in finding solutions to improve system performance, utilization and quality functionality.