What Do You Want to See in the Newsletter? We Want to Hear From You!

We’ve been making some improvements to our newsletter over the past few months and we’d like to hear your ideas about the content you’d like to see in future newsletters. We’ll continue to bring you important content like federal project updates, and reporting requirements, but we’ve added some new features that we hope will be helpful and engaging to our newsletter readers. These include Turning Data into Insight or the Spotlight on a User series.

Do you want to be featured in Spotlight on a User and share your challenges and successes with the HMIS community? Have you encountered some data entry dilemmas or tricky report errors that you’d like us to give tips about? Are there any events or activities happening at your agency that you’d like to share? You can fill out this form to give us your input on topics you’d like to see in an upcoming newsletter. We’ll include this form at the bottom of all future newsletters, so you can submit your ideas at any time.

In an upcoming newsletter, we’d like to highlight any special events or activities that are happening at agencies throughout Minnesota in the next couple of months. If your agency has any special events coming up, please fill out the form and let us know!