We're Sending a Few Old Reports Out to Pasture

Attention MN Housing LTH HPH users:

As ICA continues the ART Sabbatical, we still occasionally spruce up ART reports to ensure what is available to users meets your needs. Sometimes, that means clearing away the clutter. There are several reports that are no longer required, have data better displayed somewhere else, or are too buggy to maintain.

In April 2021, we plan to take the following reports (which are all MN Housing LTH HPH reports from years past) out of production:

  • SHP-51-DQR-012 - LTH Data Quality: Residence; Housing Cost and Subsidy  

  • SHP-51-DQR-056 - LTH Demographics and Entry Data Check 

  • SHP-51-DQR-136 - LTH Exits Data Check 

  • SHP-51-DQR-139 - LTH Income Data Check 

  • SHP-51-SAG-055 - LTH Demographics and Entry Data Counting 

  • SHP-51-SAG-133 - LTH Exits 

  • SHP-51-SAG-135 - LTH Income 

  • SHP-51-SAG-185 - LTH  Income Benefits Datasheet by Provider Group 

  • SHP-51-SAG-186 - LTH Data Completeness Report 

  • SHP-51-SAG-189 - Anonymous Count Report with Household 

  • SHP-51-SAG-190 - LTH Income by Category 

  • SHP-51-SAG-191 – LTH Heads of HH LOS datasheet 

  • SHP-51-SAG-193 - 1-04A-Matrix Score Distribution by Domain 

  • SHP-51-SAG-197 - Matrix LTH Datasheet 

ICA and MN Housing are partnering together on an LTH HPH report redesign project soon. If you will pardon our dust, we look forward to sharing more soon about newer, shinier reports this summer!

During this time of transition, the MN Housing LTH HPH User Guide will not include the most current reporting requirements quite yet. If you still use these reports for any reason and are in need of an alternative, please reach out to our Helpdesk and we can route you to a better choice.