ART is a Little Glitchy, Don't Get Twitchy!

ART Rebuild Fails. A little HMIS behind-the-scenes knowledge: ART, our Advanced Reporting Tool, undergoes a system refresh twice each day. Any new or altered data entry you complete is always reflected in the next refresh. Recently, ART refreshes have been delayed and occasionally failed. This means that the data entry isn’t reflected until the following rebuild. We’d like to share that we are monitoring this issue closely and working in partnership with Mediware to expedite a solution to this issue, and ensure that anytime it happens, it’s quickly addressed. Always Schedule Reports from the SSA Folder. We’ve recently received several cases on our Helpdesk related to report issues that, upon investigation, were not report bugs, but actually a result of the user running an outdated version of the report directly from their inbox. Our team makes fixes to reports as data standards change, suggestions are made, and bugs are identified. To prevent inadvertently running an outdated copy of a report, you should always schedule reports from the SSA folder structure, not your inboxes or scheduled reports section of ART.Are your scheduled reports failing?  This may be due to a "SQL Not Ready" error - we've seen a resurgence in this type of error and are monitoring the issue closely. If you encounter this error when you run a report live or have a scheduled report that consistently fails, please email the Helpdesk to let us know. We will be sure to escalate the case to Mediware.