Quarterly Data Quality: Thank You

Last week the submission deadline for Quarterly Data Quality (QDQ) passed. This was the second round of QDQ, focusing on data from 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2020.  

 Considering that we are all doing work differently because of the pandemic, there was a reasonable assumption that this fairly new process would show a decline. In fact, valid submissions were actually up a bit over the last quarter. 

 This means people are paying attention to their data. We believe that better data quality will improve the work being done to house individuals and families. Thank you! 

 The first two quarters of QDQ are, if nothing else, a great start. We’re asking you to do a few things: 

  • Take a breath and pat yourselves on the back 

  • Think about what works well for your agency and what was difficult 

  • Give us your feedback 

 Please fill out this QDQ feedback form if you have feedback related to the QDQ process that you want to make sure gets on our radar. We need feedback like yours! The first six months of 2020, in particular, will be a period of testing, listening, and responding. 

 Again, thank you for the good work you do, and for providing the quality data that helps tell the story.