Quarterly Data Quality: Help us make it a treat, not a trick

Over the past year, ICA, CoC Coordinators, State Partners, the Tribal Collaborative, and users have worked together to design Minnesota's Quarterly Data Quality monitoring process. 4 times per year, every single agency entering data into Minnesota's HMIS will review their data quality simultaneously. This revolutionary shift in how we approach data quality together launches January 2020.

What does this mean for you?

We are in the final lap of the building and testing work, and it's the perfect time for you to plug-in. Part of this process is rolling out new expectations for data quality completeness, consistency and accuracy and timeliness. Before implementing a new report and set of data quality standards, it is important to this process that you have a say in what data quality goals feel reasonable for you to achieve.

We don't have our ear plugs in, we want to hear from you!


If you have 20 minutes to spare in November, review the draft Quarterly Data Quality monitoring process (including the Quarterly Data Quality Scoring Rubric) and submit feedback.

If you have 3 hours to spare in December, help make the report stronger! We are seeking users to perform User Acceptability Testing (UAT) on the new report. UAT is a software development term for when users test a product (in this case, a report) in the real world and try their darndest to break it, and we tune-up accordingly! We're targeting the first two weeks of December for this process, launching with a 30-minute training webinar. After the webinar we'll ask for 2 hours of your time to run the report and give feedback. Contact the Helpdesk if you're interested!

Who do we mean when we say "you"?

YOU! Literally you, and especially if data quality is challenging or scary for you. Submitting feedback and testing products will help you get familiar with the changes, and gives you an opportunity to make the new process better and less scary. It also helps us know what we can do to build your confidence!