Point-in-Time (PIT) Count Data Corrections: What agencies need to know

The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count took place on Wednesday, January 27th. All clients served in Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing projects are included in this count, regardless of provider funding source.

Now that you entered PIT night data into HMIS, you can check and correct your data using a familiar set of tools in a slightly different way. The Quarterly Data Quality process checks the same data used for PIT. However, the quarterly timing does not fit with the PIT night's federal deadline. Since we cannot rely on that familiar rhythm, instead, we ask all ES and TH users to run a PIT night version of the 281 - Quarterly Data Quality Monitoring PIT Night report. This report mirrors the 251 QDQ Monitoring report but for PIT night only, with a few friendly highlights to help you focus on PIT data.

Account Specialists will begin sending emails to agencies as soon as February 18th and continuing into next week with instructions to begin data corrections for PIT.  Use the report to check errors and make corrections. You do not need to submit your scores to the QDQ portal.

Your deadline to correct this data is Friday, March 5th.

After March 5th, if there are outstanding corrections to address when comparing Housing Inventory Count (HIC) information to PIT Count information, your Account Specialist may reach out again for targeted corrections.

The Connection Between PIT and HIC

The Housing Inventory Count (HIC) runs in parallel to the PIT Count each year. Together, they help communities answer the question: how many beds are there for how many people?

In late February and March, ICA works closely with CoC Coordinators to compile this data for the annual submission to HUD. While CoC Coordinators collect HIC data directly from agencies about all homeless-serving lodging projects (ES, TH, and PH-types), we want to help you establish the connection between the two. In preparation for this year's HIC we are asking all Permanent Housing (PH) project types to also run the 281 - Quarterly Data Quality Monitoring PIT Night report to check for errors and make corrections.

Account Specialists will begin sending emails to PH projects as soon as February 18th and continuing into next week with instructions to begin data corrections for clients in PH on the night of the PIT Count. Your deadline to correct this data is Friday, March 5th.

The Unsheltered and Non-HMIS Count (PIT LIVE)

We will work with CoC Coordinators and PIT Leads to review survey data entered into PIT LIVE, highlight potential errors and make corrections throughout late February and early March.

This is an ongoing process so please watch for clarification requests from your CoC Coordinator or PIT Lead.

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