New Release of Information (ROI)

New (10/18/2016) instructions for adding an ROIHere are some answers to the questions we've been receiving from our HMIS community! ROI FAQs We have posted the the new Release of Information (there are THREE versions) at under Intake Documents for Clients at the bottom of the page.

  • Use this form starting October 3, 2016 for statewide data sharing!

  • Be sure to watch the Statewide Data Sharing in Minnesota starting at the 4 minute mark (through the 17 minute mark) to learn more about using this new Release of Information.

They are also available right here:



 And if any of you noted from our 9/30/2016 news alert that we would have these posted by the end of the work day, I want to make sure you know that the ICA team is still busy at work! So technically, we're ahead of the deadline?Kelly, Swathi, and Demetri @ 10:46pm on Friday, September 30

UncategorizedLaura Birdsong